DD Coordinating Subcommittee Meeting Summary
January 31, 2023
The DD Sub committee met yesterday afternoon (prior to the governor's budget being released).
Rate Study Update
Andy Slate reported that the HMA Rate study recommendations and public comments were being reviewed and new rate methodologies would be finalized by next week. However this may be a moot point since the governor's budget recommendations does not include the necessary funds to implement.
ARPA Funding Request
Ada Katherine Wyhe reported that mental health & veterans services received a combined $25 million. Commissioner Boswell said that they are exploring some other options for assistance with affordable housing such as housing vouchers through the 811 program.
Alabama State Transition Plan
Alabama's State Transition Plan was approved by CMS last week. ADMH has requested a deadline extension through May 15th to finish validating providers in category 3. Kathy Sawyer reported that she does not know yet if this has been approved.
Abuse Registry
Public Comments for the proposed Abuse Registry is opening. Comments must be submitted by first week of May.
Grayson Schemer said they are working on cleaning up the data in order to migrate it from ADIDIS. An updated timeline will be shared soon. Discussed issues related to providers hwo already were using Therap for non-waiver individuals. Providers must contact Therap to set up different provider code for these individuals.
Support Coordination Intake - Billing/Payment Structure
Kathy Sawyer said she has asked Support Coordination agencies to provide recommendations for when intake should be submitted for billing, due to complaints from stakeholders regarding lack of response from some SC agencies.
ID/LAH Waivers
Discussed personal care services as to who is considered "immediate family members", since they could not be hired by organizations to provide services. DeAnna Ferguson asked if siblings were considered immediate family members. Kathy Sawyer clarified that siblings were not considered immediate family, and therefore could provide personal care through the waiver.